Quick Start
writer : banq jegg
Sample DEMO: http://www.jdon.com/testWeb/
Sample Source Download: click here(samples-simple.jar)
The first Jdon Application
Keep Domain Model in memory and enable events;
1. keep domain model in-memory cache:
public class User {
private String userId;
private String name;
A class with @Model will live in memory, default is Cache (Ehcache). Or Key-value store others.
When a domain model object with @Model is fetch from repository, we need use @Introduce(“modelCache”) to mak the object live in memory.
@Introduce(“modelCache”) must be annotated in
the interfaces that @Model objects are created or reconstructed
, the interfaces is such as repository class. DDD think repository is the transfering betwing the database data and domain object.
This step is very important for domain events
2.annotate producer class with @Model and @Introduce("message")
annotate the method with @Send("mytopic") of the producer class
@Introduce(“message”):"message" is the om.jdon.domain.message.MessageInterceptor configured in aspect.xml
It means introducing a MessageInterceptor for this class.
@ Send("mytopic"): "mytopic" is your topic name that equals to the "mytopic" in @Consumer("mytopic");
In this method, you must marshal your data into a DomainMessag that can be unmarshal in consumers.
3.(1) . annotate consumer class with@Consumer("mytopic");
(2). the consumer class need implement
DCI: Data, Context, Interactions is a programming paradigm invented by Trygve Reenskaug. DCI can keep our core model classes very thin.
logic/behaviour should be kept in roles.
Domain Events is a behaviour, Event publisher is a the Interactions of Role in DCI, like a interface, and event consumer is the implemention of the interface.
One: Data Model, Domain Model is the DATA of DCI, no logic no behaviour.
public class UserModel {
private String userId;
private String name;
private ComputerRole computerRole;
Two: Role. Domain event producer is a Role of DCI,it includes the interactions of DCI.
public class ComputerRole {
public DomainMessage computeCount(UserModel user) {
return new DomainMessage(user);
public DomainMessage save(UserModel user) {
return new DomainMessage(user);
Three: Context, In Context,The Role will be injected into the data.
public class ComputeContext {
private DomainMessage ageAsyncResult;
public void preloadData(UserModel user) {
if (ageAsyncResult == null)
ageAsyncResult = user.getUserDomainEvents().computeCount(user);
public int loadCountNow(UserModel user) {
return (Integer) ageAsyncResult.getEventResult();
public int loadCountByAsync(UserModel user) {
if (ageAsyncResult == null)
ageAsyncResult = user.getUserDomainEvents().computeCount(user);
else if (ageAsyncResult != null)
return (Integer) ageAsyncResult.getEventResult();
return -1;
above all source in: SimpleJdonFrameworkTest.rar
need two annotations(@Service or @Component):difference between @Service and @Component is that the @Service class must have a interface then can be called by outside client beyond jdon.
public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService
the client in servlet or action call the service's code:
HelloService helloService = (HelloService) WebAppUtil.getService("helloService", req);
String result = helloService.hello(myname);
all source in JdonFramework/examples/testWeb
More Annotation
@Poolable: get a instance from the class's object pooing, Object Pooling - Determinism vs. Throughput
@Stateful:its instance lifecycle is user session scope
@Singleton: get a singleton instance form the class
In JdonFramework, there is a configuration XML file that named jdonframework.xml. in it, we can configure our class, the format as below:
<pojoService name="your service name " class="full class "/>
@Service("your service name")
"class" is the class full name, include the package; "name" can be any text that will be used in our client code.
if we have a class TestServicePOJOImp as below:
public class TestServicePOJOImp implements TestService{
private JdbcDAO jdbcDao;
public TestServicePOJOImp(JdbcDAO jdbcDao) {
this.jdbcDao = jdbcDao;
public void createUser(EventModel em) {
interface TestService code:
public interface TestService {
void createUser(EventModel em);
when we finished these codes, we need create a XML file that named jdonframework.xml under project source directotry:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE app PUBLIC "-//JDON//DTD Framework 2005 1.0 //EN" "http://www.jdon.com/jdonframework.dtd">
<pojoService name="testService" class="com.jdon.framework.test.service.TestServicePOJOImp"/>
at last, if we invoke TestServicePOJOImp in client code such as Jsp/Servlet or struts action,the invoking code as below:
TestService testService = (TestService) WebAppUtil.getService("testService ", request);
so the good point is that: if we replace TestServicePOJOImp with AnotherTestServicePOJOImp , only need modify jdonframework.xml, not need change our client codes.
thera is another big good point that Ioc or DI means Dependency Injection, maybe you have find a details about TestServicePOJOImp that it has a constructor method:
public TestServicePOJOImp(JdbcDAO jdbcDao) {
this.jdbcDao = jdbcDao;
if we donot create the JdbcDAO instance, how can we create TestServicePOJOImp instance?don't worry, the framework help us and it do these, but we need add a new configuration item in jdonframework.xml, as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE app PUBLIC "-//JDON//DTD Framework 2005 1.0 //EN" "http://www.jdon.com/jdonframework.dtd">
<pojoService name="testService" class="com.jdon.framework.test.service.TestServicePOJOImp"/>
<!-- new configuration item or annotation @Component in JdbcDAO class -->
<component name="jdbcDAO" class="com.jdon.framework.test.dao.JdbcDAO"/>
until now, you maybe have understand JdonFramework what to do.
How starting the framework?
If there is no xml, all are annotation, no need this step.
there are two ways to starting the framework in our web project.
first way: web.xml configuration:
<param-name> modelmapping-config </param-name>
<param-value> jdonframework.xml </param-value>
second way: struts-config.xml(you must know struts 1.2)
<plug-in className="com.jdon.strutsutil.InitPlugIn">
<set-property property="modelmapping-config" value="jdonframework.xml" />
if not used in Web , can be used in java Application, see below:
Client not only Servlet or Jsp or other Web Framework,:
//servletContext is a instance of javax/servlet/ServletContext
IServiceSample serviceSample = (IServiceSample)WebAppUtil.getService("serviceSample", servletContext);
String res = (String) serviceSample.eventPointEntry("hello");
Assert.assertEquals(res, "eventMessage=hello");
//servletContext is a instance of javax/servlet/HttpServletRequest
//this will cache
'serviceSample' instance in httpsession. improve performance.
IServiceSample serviceSample = (IServiceSample)WebAppUtil.getService("serviceSample", request);
String res = (String) serviceSample.eventPointEntry("hello");
Assert.assertEquals(res, "eventMessage=hello");
but also can be a Java Application.
AppUtil appUtill = new AppUtil();
//if you use jdon's CRUD function based struts1.x
AppUtil appUtill = new AppUtil("com.jdon.jdonframework.xml");
IServiceSample serviceSample = (IServiceSample) appUtil.getService("serviceSample");
String res = (String) serviceSample.eventPointEntry("hello");
Assert.assertEquals(res, "eventMessage=hello");
Source :com.jdon.SampleAppTest
How to compile and deploy
Maven pom.xml:
if you would like to use jdon's CRUD function based struts1.x(such as jdonframework.xml), add :
if you would like to use Jdon's jdbcTemp, add:
</dependency> |
full pom.xml
Interceptor configuration
when you develope a interceptor,
you need this step.
When Jon framework is starting up, it will use container.xml and aspect.xml under META-INF in jdonframework.jar by default. If you need to extend Jdon framework, for example, you have developed some small components, such as formula functions, chart components or some general functions and you need load these components as starting up, or expect them configurable and replaceable as our wish, you can integreated them into jdon. There are two ways to go. (It is not the must)
First Step :
define you own component configuration file and interceptor component configuration file, which name much be mycontainer.xml and myaspect.xml, these two files must be put in the system class path or packed in your jar file, this jar file could also be deployed together with jdon framework’s jar file
Second Step:
You can define it in web.xml in your web application, here is an example:
So your mycontainer.xml file and myaspect.xml file must be put in WEB_INF directory in your web application, yet file names could be arbitrary. In User-defined configuration file, corresponding settings in container.xml and aspect.xml could be overwritten; however the setting name should be the same.
Jdonframework configuration
In this article, I am going to show you how to get job done within jdonframework.xml for class testService.
We called a class instance invoked by client (Servlet/Jsp/Action) as below.
TestService testService = (TestService) WebAppUtil.getService("testService", request); |
"testService" is the class name of "TestService". it should be configured in jdonframework.xml
<pojoService name="testService" class="com.jdon.framework.test.service.TestServicePOJOImp"/>
There are two types of service class. One is common java class or JavaBeans, all of which called POJO. The other is EJB-regulation-complied classes which could be simply called EJB. Any of these two type class could be used as service class, hence there will be two corresponding service configurations for POJO and EJB done by pojoService and ejbService respectively.
POJOs configuration
There are two basic properties in pojoService, name and class. Property class is for putting POJO’s full name. Property Name is used to put the actual service name invoked in the program, conventionally written as similarly to the class name. Please see the source code in JdonFrameworkEJB or Ioc under Traning directory of JdonSample.
POJO Service configuration:
<pojoService name="testService" class="com.jdon.framework.test.service.TestServicePOJOImp"/>
Not all of classes are servered for the client directly (jsp/Servlet), that is to say some classes are not invoked by jsp/servlet or presentation frame layer, but invoked by service classes, these kinds of class we called component class annotated as component in configuration file. Note: in EJB framework, component class is managed by EJB container, so you do not need to any configuration in JdonFramework any more.
POJO Component configuration:
<component class="com.jdon.framework.test.dao.JdbcDAO" name="jdbcDAO"/>
We often need to define some constants and parameters in some classes, so we can do like this:
<component class="com.jdon.framework.test.dao.JdbcDAO" name="jdbcDAO">
<constructor value="java:/TestDS"/>
</ component >
As you can see, JdbcDao’s constructor has a string parameter. When you initialize an instance of JdbcDao, String “java:/TestDs”(DataSource JNDI Name) will be passed into constructor automatically.
By taking advantage of good point above, we can conveniently utilize xml file to define business logic. For example, we can defined the email format in jdonframework.xml so that email content could be altered easily according the customers’ needs. It is much better and flexible than get this information hard coded in the program.
Here is an example:
<component name="emailDefine"
<constructor value="Jdon username and password"/>
<constructor value="Welcome on jdon.com. Your account has been validated. Thank you!"/>
<constructor value="Jdon.com "/>
<constructor value="Thank you, Jdon team."/>
<constructor value="admin@jdon.com"/>